Wednesday August 6, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Poll Bad News For Left; How Will Conservatives Respond?

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll highlights the depth of America’s anxiety about the economy and political situation.

First off, this poll is of adults. Polls of adults tend to overstate Democratic strength, electorally speaking, while polls of registered voters or likely voters tend to favor Republicans. But even though it’s a liberal-friendly poll, it still spells bad news for President Obama and his liberal allies. Here are some highlights:

--President Obama’s disapproval rating has dropped to 40 percent. And 60 percent disapprove of his foreign policy, the lowest ever.

--Sixty-four percent of respondents are dissatisfied with the state of the economy.

--On immigration, 51 percent want illegal immigrant children deported. Seventy percent of Republicans, and a third of Democrats, want them sent back. Forty-three percent even say that illegal immigrant children should stay only if they can prove their lives are in danger.

But let’s put the political battles of today aside for a moment to look at how Americans view the bigger picture. In short, they’re very pessimistic. There seems to be a growing sense that the country is in deep trouble.

--Seventy-one percent believe the country is on the wrong track. And 60 percent believe the U.S. is in decline. More than three in four American adults surveyed lack confidence that their children’s generation will have a better life than they have.

It’s clear that the left and Obama are increasingly being rejected. But conservatives don’t fare much better. They need to find the courage to articulate a conservative message that addresses values, economic growth and national security.

Protecting Our Army – From Bible-Reading Kids

Of all the rot that Obama and the left have spread, the worst may be the rot attacking the foundations of our military. It is bad enough that at a time of increasing threats to our national security, Obama is dismissing experienced senior officers, failing to upgrade important weapon systems and constantly sending signals of weakness to our enemies.

In addition, the left is attacking the values that are embedded in our military culture. Military chaplains have been under incredible pressure to avoid Bible-based messages on hot-button issues like homosexual conduct. Some say that they have been threatened with dismissal if they present the Gospel to inquiring soldiers. There have been repeated stories out of the Air Force Academy and West Point of hostility to students who express a Biblical world view.

Now comes a story out of “Bible Belt” Missouri that is sounding more alarms. The Bible Baptist Church in Carthage, Missouri, invited members of the Missouri National Guard to attend a kids’ summer camp for an hour to be honored for protecting Missouri’s families. The church camp had already honored the local fire department and sheriff’s department. The Guardsmen were not given permission to attend because Army regulations state the following:

"Army participation must not selectively benefit (or appear to benefit) any person, group, or corporation (whether profit or non-profit); religion, sect, religious or sectarian group, or quasi-religious or ideological movement."

In spite of this regulation, service members in uniform have marched in gay pride parades, including here in Washington, DC. Apparently the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on homosexuals has been replaced with a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on Christianity.

One Guardsman told the Christian Post, “I can tell you I'm ashamed and embarrassed right now. This isn't the military I signed up for." Sadly, countless other young Americans will be less inclined to sign-up if Obama and his radical leftist allies continue their efforts to separate our armed forces from Judeo-Christian values.