Trump's Prediction, Progress Report, Poll Position

Friday, February 17, 2017

Trump's Prediction

During yesterday's White House press conference, President Trump berated the media for its dishonesty and hateful tone. He spoke for nearly 80 minutes and covered a wide range of topics. He also predicted that the media would grossly distort the press conference.

The president said, "Tomorrow they will say 'Donald Trump rants and raves.' I'm not ranting and raving."

Well, guess what? He was right! And the reaction was immediate.

Shepard Smith of Fox News said, "It is crazy what we are watching every day, it is absolutely crazy." CNN's Jake Tapper called the press conference "wild" and "unhinged." NBC's Chuck Todd whined that Trump's press bashing is "un-American."

That's odd. I don't remember this kind of media outrage when Obama repeatedly attacked Fox News or bugged reporters' phones.

CBS News ran an "exaggeration check" during last night's broadcast. So now we've gone from fact checks to exaggeration checks. I suppose that could be helpful. We wouldn't want a president to claim that he was going to stop the rise of the oceans and heal the planet. . . Oh, wait! That's what Obama did. Still waiting for the CBS "exaggeration check" on that one.

Nevertheless, a few commentators did admit that yesterday's press conference played very well in Trump's America, and, let's face it, that's pretty much everywhere between New York City and Los Angeles.

More Fake News

Did you hear about the latest "victim" of the immigration raids? That individual checked all the left-wing boxes -- minority, undocumented, abuse victim, even transgendered. Needless to say, the case made headlines everywhere. Here's one example, "ICE Arrests Domestic Violence Victim at Texas Courthouse."

Terribly cruel of the Trump Administration, right? That's certainly what the left and its media allies want you to believe.

But the headline is grossly misleading. Buried deep in the reports, if it was mentioned at all, is the fact that this "victim" has a lengthy criminal record for "assault, probation violation, domestic violence, false imprisonment of a minor." Oh, and he/she has already been deported six times!

Is this the face of left-wing progressivism now? Forget the coal miner. Forget our veterans. Forget struggling middle class families. Forget black children trapped in gang-infested, failing schools. The left will fight to the death for transgendered illegal immigrant criminals!

Progress Report

Late yesterday afternoon, the House of Representatives approved a resolution reversing a radical pro-abortion regulation by the Obama Administration. Drafted during his final days in office, Barack Obama issued a regulation that effectively forced states to provide funds to Planned Parenthood.

After more than a dozen states took steps to cut off taxpayer funding to the nation's largest abortion business, the Obama White House stepped in and stepped on the separation of powers between the states and the federal government.

I am pleased to report that the House did not hesitate to use its authority under the Congressional Review Act to repeal Obama's outrageous pro-abortion mandate. The resolution, authored by Rep. Diane Black (R-TN), must now be approved by the Senate. Thankfully, it is not subject to a filibuster.

Speaking of the Congressional Review Act, President Trump yesterday signed a law repealing another Obama regulation that devastated the coal industry. Joining the president at the signing ceremony were senators from various coal states, including Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), along with coal workers and company executives.

What many liberals do not appreciate is just how crucial the coal industry is. Not only does coal provide a leading source of electricity for the country, but in some areas it is the leading, perhaps only, industry as well. When coal jobs are lost, everything in those areas suffer.

By the way, it was reported today that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has begun "cleaning house" at the State Department. Several staffers on the building's top floor -- where senior-level managers work -- were fired yesterday.

Poll Position

Here are some recent poll results you may have missed.

  • 55% of likely voters approve of President Trump's job performance.
  • 54% of likely voters believe that policies which allow an increasing number of immigrants and refugees from predominantly Muslim nations, some of which are failed states, represent an increased risk to the national security of the United States. Just 33% of voters disagree. In other words, President Trump's much-derided executive order, which left-wing judges blocked, is a 21-point winning issue for the president.
  • Are you ready for 2020? Well, the left just can't wait. And it is already conducting polls pitting Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) against President Trump. According to a poll released Wednesday, Trump would defeat Warren 42%-to-36%.

    NOTE: Our offices will be closed Monday, February 20th. The "End of Day" report will resume Tuesday, February 21st.