Think the Pro-Life Movement is Losing? 1,500 Babies are Saved From Abortions Every Day


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

by Steven Ertelt | | 1/2/15 3:44 PM

Some media pundits and even pro-life advocates think the pro-life movement is losing. Yes, in the United States, abortion has been legal for more than four decades. But, as Carol Tobias of National Right to Life explains, if the flip the cup upside down, it’s definitely half full.

Even within the confines of legalized abortions, babies are saved from abortion each and every day.

Consider this good from Tobias in an email to LifeNews that really puts things in perspective:

552,000 times in this new year, a woman will NOT have an abortion that would have occurred 25 years ago.

That’s right:  In 1990, there were 1,610,000 abortions in the United States.  Today, there are about 1,058,000 each year.  Both are tragic statistics.

But the newer number represents 1,500 innocent baby girls and boys saved from abortion each and every day.  More than 60 every hour.  Five babies every two minutes.


Our work succeeds one precious baby at a time; remember, it took almost 90 years for the movement to end slavery in the United States to reach its full fruition – the banning of slavery in all parts of the United States in 1865.  It’s worth noting as we begin this new year that 2015 will be the 150th anniversary of the 13th Amendment that recognized the right of ALL Americans to live free of bondage.

Many smaller victories were won on the way in those 90 years, and the victories of the Right to Life movement have accelerated in recent years to give us this huge drop in abortions.

2015 promises to be an even better year, as newly elected pro-life officials will give unborn babies a stronger voice in Congress and in state legislatures.  They will help us continue to drive the number of abortions down . . . until we have our own great day, when every baby is safe from the pain and loss of abortion.

National Right to Life and other pro-life groups will be fighting for a bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Now that pro-life lawmakers run the U.S. Senate, it will finally get a vote in that chamber.