Friday, October 17, 2014
by Steven Ertelt | | 10/16/14 4:57 PM
Planned Parenthood, the nation’s biggest abortion business, is celebrating its 98th birthday today and the
abortion giant has done over 6.6 million abortions since Roe v. Wade, more than any other abortion
company. In a terrible irony, Planned Parenthood tweeted out a picture of baby carriages to celebrate its anniversary.
Happy 98th birthday, Planned Parenthood! Jim Sedlak of American Life League says the abortion giant has built itself on Margaret Sanger’s racist
philosophies. “Planned Parenthood Federation of America dates its beginning to Oct. 16, 1916,
when Margaret Sanger
opened the nation’s first birth
control clinic in Brooklyn, New
York,” he explained. “Sanger
had three basic philosophies
that are still active within
Planned Parenthood today.
One of those was a passion to
prevent the birth of
“defectives,” which Sedlak
says led to her stating in her
1932 Plan for Peace that
persons from “dysgenic groups” should be given their choice of sterilization or confinement on a farm for
the rest of their lives. Sanger was a member of the American Eugenics Society.
“Planned Parenthood does not make public the race of its abortion clients anymore. In the 1990s, it
revealed that 43 percent of its abortions were on blacks and other minorities – who only made up 22
percent of the population,” he explained.
When Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) released its 2012-2013 annual report the
numbers showed abortion is still a very large portion of Planned Parenthood’s business and income.
Abortions accounted for 93.8 percent of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy services. Prenatal care services
dropped 32 percent in one year, and 52 percent since 2009. Adoption referrals are also down 4.5 percent
in one year. For every adoption referral, Planned Parenthood performed 149 abortions.
More information from its annual report reveals:
During fiscal year 2012-2013, Planned Parenthood reported receiving $540.6 million in taxpayer funding, or nearly
$1.5 million per day.
Planned Parenthood reported $58.2 million in excess revenue, and more than $1.3 billion in net assets.
In 2012, Planned Parenthood performed 327,166 abortions , a 2% drop from 2011. In 2002, Planned Parenthood
performed 227,385 abortions, meaning they perform 100,000 more abortions than they did 10 years ago.
Over the past three reported years (2010-2012), Planned Parenthood has performed nearly one million abortions
In 2012,abortions made up 93.8% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy services, while prenatal care and adoption
referrals accounted for only 5.6% (19,506) and 0.6% (2,197), respectively. For every adoption referral, Planned
Parenthood performed 149 abortions.
Prenatal care services have dropped 32% in one year, and 52% since 2009. Adoption referrals are also down 4.5% in
one year.
After reviewing the report, Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) President Marjorie Dannenfelser had the
following comments:
“Business is booming for America’s largest abortion provider, which receives public funding at a rate of
$1.5 million per day. Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report shows that they performed 100,000 more
abortions in 2013 than ten years ago. Meanwhile, cancer screenings and prenatal services, including
adoption referrals, continue to drop. Planned Parenthood claims to be a trusted health care provider to
women and girls, but their numbers tell a different story. Planned Parenthood is a business whose entire
mission is to profit off of abortion.”