Obama's Culture War, Civil Rights Charade , Holding Kids Hostage, What Congress Could Do

Friday, May 13, 2016

Obama's Culture War

The economy is stagnant. ISIS continues its genocide. But the Obama Administration has the time to launch another blitz in its ongoing war against our Judeo-Christian culture.

Having successfully redefined marriage, the left is now trying to force its radical agenda into the schools and on our children. When conservatives warned that would happen, we were mocked. Well, here we are.

It started last year in the Washington, D.C., suburbs of northern Virginia, where a left-leaning school board willingly complied.

Then Obama's bureaucrats moved closer to the American heartland. There was resistance in Illinois, but there was virtually no resistance from leaders in Congress.

Then the radicals went after the entire state of North Carolina. In the face of this federal assault, many politicians oddly retreated to the fallback position of saying it was "a state matter." Don't they get that Obama is refusing to allow it to be a state matter?

So after witnessing one retreat after another, the Obama Administration today issued a "guidance" letter to every single school district in the entire country, telling them that they must accommodate boys who want to use girls' bathrooms and locker rooms and vice versa. War on women and girls, anyone?

According to the New York Times, the letter "does not have the force of law, but it contains an implicit threat: Schools that do not abide by the Obama administration's interpretation of the law could face lawsuits or a loss of federal aid."

What you are witnessing is what happens when one side essentially declares a unilateral surrender in the culture war, while the other side behaves like a juggernaut determined to make America into something utterly unrecognizable.

Civil Rights Charade

It was sickening to see an African American attorney general standing before reporters at a press conference comparing this cultural jihad to the civil rights movement. According to Attorney General Lynch, the desire of parents to make sure that boys stay out of their daughters' bathrooms is equivalent to the disgusting discrimination that forced blacks to use separate bathrooms.

Surely there are elected officials willing to point out the difference.

Segregating bathrooms based on race is bigotry because it is completely irrational. The color of the person's skin in the stall next to you has absolutely nothing to do with the function of the bathroom or your sense of modesty or propriety.

But having someone else in the bathroom with you of the opposite sex is a very different matter. That is the whole purpose of men's restrooms and women's restrooms -- so we have privacy.

The attorney general said she will not allow someone's discomfort to prevent people from enjoying their full civil rights. But the entire transgender argument is based on the claim that transgendered individuals are uncomfortable using a bathroom that matches their birth gender.

So in order to accommodate their discomfort, the federal government is now forcing the other 99.999% of the population to be uncomfortable.

It is heartbreaking to see the civil rights movement reduced to such a charade.

A movement that began with the noble purpose of ensuring that children got an equal education, that a black woman could sit at the front of the bus, has been pulled into a crusade that insists boys should be allowed to shower with girls if the boys claim they are girls.

When it comes to crime, the progressive left sides with criminals over victims. When it comes to schools, it sides with incompetent teachers over children. The Reverend Martin Luther King's noble cause has been turned into left-wing social engineering.

Holding Kids Hostage

My friends, I have to reiterate that when the Obama Administration threatens to withhold federal funds from public schools, it is threatening poor and minority students. Most federal education programs are heavily weighted toward students at risk and in need.

So let's be absolutely clear about this: Obama is holding poor and minority children hostage to satisfy the demands of urban homosexuals and their transgender allies!

And we can't win this fight? Are we even going to try?

Some people have said to me, "Gary, I agree with you, but what are we supposed to do? Check birth certificates at the bathroom door?" This completely misses the point.

In the left's wacky world, gender is a state of mind, not your genetic or physical characteristics. When a 14 year-old boy walks into the girls' locker room, all he has to say is, "I feel like a girl," and he will have the full weight of the federal government standing with him against your daughter. There is no way to prove the boy is not transgendered.

What Congress Could Do

Will the leadership in Congress do ANYTHING about this latest Obama outrage?

I'm not suggesting they shut down the federal government. But here's just one idea: Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell could send a letter to every school district in America, just as the Obama Administration has done. Here's how it might read:

"Dear Principals and Superintendents:

Congressional leaders are outraged that federal bureaucrats are trying to mandate local bathroom policies. The threat to withhold critical taxpayer dollars from at-risk students is unconscionable. Moreover, we believe it exceeds the federal government's authority.

We urge you to resist these unreasonable demands that defy common sense. Should the government press its case, we will go into the courts with you to defend you.

In the meantime, we will be holding hearings to draw public attention to this issue. We are also drafting legislation to reduce the budgets and the authority of the rogue agencies involved."

Really, would that be so hard?