New Thinking
Responding to yesterday's terror attacks in Ankara and Berlin, President-elect Donald Trump tweeted, "The civilized world must change thinking!" If the initial reaction is any indication, it appears Mr. Trump may be asking too much of Western elites.
"Moring Joe" co-host Joe Scarborough mocked Trump's common sense suggestion. "Um, yeah. . . First of all, I don't know exactly what the civilized world is going to do about trucks, unless we're going to ban trucks," Scarborough said. "But again, some of the deadliest attacks have been with vehicles."
Really, Joe? Intentional ignorance is not flattering. Fortunately, the American people are smarter than that.
This is the same elite media who said time and again for the past year that Donald Trump would never become president. And yet he did.
And one big reason the American people ignored the media and embraced Trump is that he ignored political correctness and vowed to get serious when it comes to Islamic supremacism and border security. Clearly, what we have been doing is not working.
No, Joe, we're not going to ban trucks. But we can ban the people most prone to wanting to kill us. We can control who we allow into our country.
For years, our cultural and media "movers and shakers" refused to admit this problem has anything to do with Islam. Now they are refusing to reconsider their open borders ideology. Thankfully, we have a president-elect who is challenging them on both of these issues and many others as well.
I agree with Donald Trump that Western Civilization must wake up and completely change our mindset. The jury is out as to whether we will wake up in time.
But even if we do not, these death worshippers will not prevail. The Baby whose birth we worship on Sunday, who was born to carry the Cross to Calvary, who defeated death, has already defeated them. It will not be the Allah of the jihadists who rules over mankind for all of eternity. It will be the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Jesus.
Trump Wins Again
The Electoral College voted yesterday 304 for Donald Trump to 227 for Hillary Clinton. There was considerable irony in the vote.
In spite of all the ads, coordinated efforts and even threats by bitter leftists, more Democrat electors (five) abandoned Hillary than Republican electors (2) abandoned Trump. The faithless Democrat electors split between Bernie Sanders, Colin Powell and a Native American activist. The Republican defectors voted for Ron Paul and John Kasich. Those seven "faithless electors" set a new record.
The vote also came 18 years to the day after Hillary's husband was impeached by the House for perjury and obstruction of justice.
Unfortunately, I have no expectations that yesterday's reaffirmation of the election results will do anything to lessen the left's anger and resentment. Keith Olbermann took up the banner of #NotMyPresident yesterday with a petulant online rant, vowing to resist the Trump presidency every day. Here's what he said:
"Resistance means find a Trump supporter every day and remind them he lost the popular vote. There is also a passive-aggressive, subtler way to make this point clear. . . Never address Trump as president. He is Trump. Just Trump. Never president. The title of president, that we must protect for a happier and more honest time. Resistance means refusal. Resist! Peace."
The left is also acting in more predictable ways, such as demanding we scrap the constitutional system our founding fathers gave us. Rep. John Conyers of Michigan published an opinion piece yesterday calling for the Electoral College to be abolished as a relic of America's slave-holding past. Typical of many liberals, Conyers' op-ed merely demonstrated his ignorance of our history and his willingness to malign our nation.
As this column explains, the Electoral College had nothing to do with slavery. In fact, the Electoral College made the abolition of slavery possible by aiding the election of the nation's first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln.
The Left's America
The same act can be noble or horrible depending on your point of view. For example, consider the act of taking a knee at a football game.
When 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and other malcontents take a knee to protest the evils of America, the left insists this is a noble exercise of our First Amendment rights. Kaepernick's freedom of expression is why we are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, after all.
But if you take a knee to pray or honor God, that is not a noble exercise of First Amendment rights, according to the left. Instead, they insist, you are offending Americans, forcing your faith on those who want freedom from religion.
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