Liberals Target Fox News
Liberal members on the Federal Election Commission have proposed new regulations that would prohibit companies "from funding expenditures, independent expenditures, or electioneering communications" if five percent or more of the company was owned by foreign sources. The liberals on the Commission claim they are worried about foreign intervention in U.S. elections.
At first glance, that might not seem like a bad idea. But the proposal would have major implications: Fox News and the Wall Street Journal would be effectively muzzled when it comes to commentary and reporting on the elections. Both media outlets are owned by Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch.
The left is constantly trying to come up with new and creative ways of re-imposing the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" in order to silence conservative opinion and shut down debate. This move is just the latest example of the left's growing intolerance for free speech.
More Concessions?
The Wall Street Journal has been persistent in exposing Obama's repeated concessions to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Perhaps that is one reason why the left is trying to shut it down. Well, here's the latest Iranian nuclear deal outrage, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal.
The Obama Administration signed a secret deal with Iran lifting sanctions on two Iranian banks that were supposed to remain in place until 2023. The reason the banks were under sanction is that they had supported Iran's ballistic missile program.
These additional concessions to Iran are bad enough, but what makes them even more outrageous is that this secret deal was agreed to on the same day that Iran agreed to release four American hostages.
By the way, Obama also agreed to drop charges against 21 Iranians as part of the hostage release.
What else did he give Tehran that we don't know about yet?
The Wall Street Journal reports that critics of the Iranian nuclear deal and many members of Congress are furious at this latest revelation, believing that "the move broke the commitments the administration made to Congress about the deal."
Mark Dubowitz, of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said, "By agreeing to remove U.N. and EU sanctions eight years early on Iran's main missile financing bank, the administration effectively greenlighted their nuclear warhead-capable ballistic missile program."
Speaker Paul Ryan blasted the White House today, saying:
"This story grows more disturbing with each passing day. It now appears that on the same day American hostages were freed from Iran, the administration not only agreed to the $1.7 billion cash ransom payment, but violated a key term of the nuclear deal by prematurely lifting ballistic missile sanctions. These additional secret concessions directly jeopardize our national security, and cast further doubt on this flimsy agreement. President Obama owes the American people an immediate explanation."
L'Shanah Tovah
To all of our Jewish friends and supporters, Carol and I wish you a happy Rosh Hashanah!