Friday, September 2, 2016
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary L. Bauer
Kaepernick Takes A Knee
Last night, the San Francisco 49ers played the San Diego Chargers, and 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick once again refused to stand during the National Anthem. He took a knee this time.
However, his "stand" was particularly offensive as the Chargers were hosting a "Salute to the Military," with more than 200 Armed Forces personnel presenting a giant American flag and a remembrance of the Vietnam War.
Another 49ers player, Eric Reed, joined Kaepernick in kneeling, and Seattle Seahawks player Jeremy Lane also refused to stand for the National Anthem at his game last night.
Some players are speaking out against Kaepernick. But, sadly, we will have to wait and see how far the rot goes among other players in the NFL. America yearns to know how many professional football millionaires feel oppressed.
But we don't have to wait to find out how deep the rot goes in the NFL as an organization. Under Commissioner Roger Goodell, the NFL is not about to irritate the progressive left. It so far has refused to insist that players respect our flag or make a living doing something else.
This is the same NFL that threatened North Carolina over its efforts to make sure that men were not using women's bathrooms. This is the same NFL that lambasted Georgia when it considered legislation to ensure that the First Amendment rights of pastors were protected so they would not be forced to participate in same-sex weddings. This is the same NFL that refused to allow the Dallas Cowboys to honor police officers during regular season games.
What would the NFL do if one of its players said, "I am not standing for the National Anthem until America stops oppressing Christians"? Would the head of the NFL, or for that matter the Democrat vice presidential candidate, say, "Well, you have to respect him for taking a stand"?
The hypocrisy is disgusting.
I strongly suspect there is no conservative cause for which an NFL player could stage an on-field protest without risking a severe reprimand. And it appears as if there is no left-wing cause an NFL player can promote that would result in a reprimand. The cultural left is well on its way to destroying American football, just as it has defiled everything else Americans have enjoyed.
Police Demand Apology
Let me be absolutely clear about this controversy: Colin Kaepernick has a right to free speech and expression. ON HIS OWN TIME. When he is in uniform and on the field, he is not on his own time. He is a representative of the San Francisco 49ers and the National Football League.
Moreover, it was recently discovered that Kaepernick has decided to add insult to injury by wearing socks with pigs as police officers.
Every weekend in Chicago, dozens of black residents are shot by black thugs. There were 90 homicides in August alone. Where is Kaepernick's concern about these black lives?
The police are the only ones preventing chaos and anarchy in our cities. The residents of Baltimore are begging the police to do more to stop the thugs who are terrorizing them.
Bill Johnson, executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, blasted Kaepernick and the NFL.
"It's just ridiculous that the same league that prohibits the Dallas [Cowboys] football club from honoring the slain officers in their community with their uniforms stands silent when Kaepernick is dishonoring police officers with what he's wearing on the field," Johnson said.
"I think the league is in a downward spiral regarding their obligations to the public under [NFL Commissioner] Roger Goodell, and this is just another example of that."
Earlier this week, Martin Halloran, president of the San Francisco Police Officers Association, sent a letter to Jed York, CEO of the 49ers and to Commissioner Goodell. Here is an excerpt of that letter:
"Perhaps Mr. Kaepernick could comment on the murder of 40 police officers in the United States in the past few months. . . Perhaps he could lend his commentary to the [thousands of] murders that African Americans inflicted on one another in 2015. The law enforcement community cannot be continuously blamed for all of society's problems, including [the] racial divide in our country. It isn't fair and it isn't true."
ACTION ITEM: Let's keep the heat on York and Goodell! Click here to join the National Association of Police Organizations and the San Francisco Police Officers Association in protesting Colin Kaepernick's disrespectful attitude toward law enforcement, our military men and women and our country. Sign our petition demanding action.
Join Me In D.C.!
Join me for the 2016 Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., September 9th - 11th. The Values Voter Summit is sponsored by American Values, AFA Action, the Center for Christian Statesmanship, the Family Research Council, FRC Action, First Liberty and United in Purpose.
Speakers at this year's Summit include:
· 2016 Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump
· Gov. Matt Bevin (R-KY)
· Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)
· Dr. James Dobson
· Lt. Gov. Dan Forest (R-NC)
· Sen. James Lankford (R-OK)
· Lt. Col. Oliver North
· Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and many more.
Breakout sessions will include a wide range of topics from engaging the Millennial generation and mobilizing the Christian vote to defending religious liberty and how the United States deals with Iran. Saturday evening will feature a gala dinner honoring my friend Dr. Bill Bennett for his decades of service on cultural, education and political issues.
Click here to learn more or to register online.
I look forward to seeing you there!