Friday, October 25, 2024 -- Hysterical Hillary, Lies Of The Left, Stumbling Toward Utopia

Friday, October 25, 2024

Hysterical Hillary


The talking points are out. Every progressive leader is now pushing the same message: Donald Trump is Hitler. We got more of this rhetoric last night from Hillary Clinton. During an interview on CNN, Hillary said:


“Trump [is] actually reenacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939. I write about this in my book. President Franklin Roosevelt was appalled that neo-Nazis, fascists in America were lining up to essentially pledge their support for the kind of government that they were seeing in Germany.


“So, I don’t think we can ignore it. Now, it may be a leap for some people . . . but, please, open your eyes to the danger that this man poses to our country, because I think it is clear and present for anybody paying attention.”


Here’s what is clear and present for anybody paying attention: The neo-Marxist left is hoping for major violence at Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally, just like they are hoping someone kills Trump.


They’ve done everything they could to put him in jail so he would die there, but their lawfare plan is falling apart. The left’s lawsuits and lies have only made him stronger, and they just can’t believe it.


The clock is running. Many of them hope that somebody will kill him. If they can’t pull that off with their Iranian friends or some deranged freelancer, they’re ready to incite major riots in New York City and all across the country.


If that sounds crazy, they’ve done it before. We know left-wing operatives have paid people to instigate violence at Trump rallies to make it look like Trump supporters were dangerous and violent.


We know the playbook. Antifa, which is short for “anti-fascist,” will get their marching orders and will be deployed again, as they were in 2020, to frighten the nation. And then we will be subjected to 24/7 news stories with headlines like this:


“Antifascist Demonstrators Clash With Trump Supporters. Extremism experts fear this will be a regular occurrence if Trump wins.”


This is one of the most dangerous and ugliest moments in American history. Hillary is right about one thing: It ought to be obvious to everyone that the real authoritarian neo-Marxist left is deploying the tactic of labeling their most effective opponent as a “Nazi.” And, of course, stigmatizing and dehumanizing opponents is a classic Nazi strategy.




Lies Of The Left


In the past 48 hours, multiple stories have appeared in the media making all kinds of wild accusations against Trump. People are coming forward debunking this blizzard of lies being thrown at the public in these closing days, but the leftist media won’t report that.


This week, the Atlantic tried to hit Trump with both barrels. They made up a story alleging that Donald Trump disrespected a female Hispanic veteran who was murdered on an Army base.


Immediately, her family denounced the story and the reporter who wrote it as “vile.” Mayra Guillen, the sister of the slain soldier, said, “It was just a lie from the very beginning, and it was very upsetting.”


She also posted on social media, “President Donald Trump did nothing but show respect to my family & [my sister]. In fact, I voted for President Trump today.”


Natalie Khawan, the family’s lawyer, posted this statement online:


“After having dealt with hundreds of reporters in my legal career, this is unfortunately the first time I have to go on record and call out Jeffrey Goldberg @the Atlantic: not only did he misrepresent our conversation but he outright LIED in HIS sensational story.”


But that’s not all. The Atlantic made up another story courtesy of Trump’s former chief of staff, General John Kelly. Kelly alleges that Donald Trump made numerous pro-Hitler comments while in the White House.


Really? He heard Trump say such things and waited four years to tell us?


Well, not exactly. This “breaking news” hit piece from the Atlantic was recycled fake news from two years ago! I guess the left has run out of lies to tell about Trump, so they’re recycling old lies now.


But they’re trotting it out again in sheer desperation, and there are reports that ads are going up soon with Kelly himself repeating these lies.  


There is purpose to this madness. All the polls are neck-and-neck. This is all about the moving voters on the margins, not to mention motivating a potential assassin.




Nazi Nonsense


The left has been playing the “Nazi card” for decades. I dealt with this subject yesterday, but our friends at the Washington Examiner have gone into more detail, and I urge you to read their piece here.


The left smeared every Republican presidential nominee as a Nazi. Barry Goldwater. Richard Nixon. Ronald Reagan. George W. Bush. Even Gerald Ford, Mitt Romney, and Paul Ryan! (Did the Nazis have a wimp division?) This doesn’t pass the straight face test!


Some will remember from history that Senator Joseph McCarthy launched an investigation to expose communists in the government. But he went out of control and began accusing anyone who opposed him of being a communist.


“McCarthyism” became an adjective of scorn for anyone hurling baseless smears at fellow Americans. What the neo-Marxist left is doing right now to Donald Trump is actually McCarthyism.




Stumbling Toward Utopia


My good friend Tim Goeglein has written a new book. I’ve known Tim for many years. He was the spokesman for my presidential campaign. He worked in the George W. Bush White House and currently serves as Vice President of Government Relations at Focus on the Family. So, Tim and I often see each other in Washington, D.C.


His new book, “Stumbling Toward Utopia,” takes a hard look at how the turbulence of the 1960s led us to where we are today. Here are some excerpts from a recent review by The New Criterion:


“Goeglein traces the effects of New Left ideas as they proceeded through the decade to challenge one institution after another. . . Goeglein is harsh in his assessment of the 1960s, but he marshals ample evidence to support his conclusions. . .


“Can America rebuild the institutions that were corrupted in the 1960s and recover the patriotic spirit of former times? Goeglein thinks we can revive the American dream. . .


“Ronald Reagan showed a few decades ago how this can be accomplished when he reignited the U.S. economy, challenged the Soviet Union, and rekindled faith in the American future. There is no reason why this cannot be done again, says Goeglein, whose wise counsel stands in defiance of the 1960s and the destruction it unleashed.”


“Stumbling Toward Utopia” is available wherever books are sold online or in stores. I encourage you to read it or listen to an audio version.




Defending Faith, Family, & Freedom


In this week’s “Defending Faith, Family, and Freedom” podcast for the James Dobson Family Institute, I describe the dramatic moment when two young Christian men proclaimed the name of Jesus at a rally celebrating abortion on demand. What happened next might determine who leads America in the years ahead.


Listen to the podcast now.




Other Headlines


Donald Trump is leading or is tied in five of the last six national polls and has completely erased Kamala Harris’s lead. More importantly, Trump leads in all seven battleground states.


For the first time in 36 years, the Washington Post is not endorsing a presidential candidate. The Post’s decision comes on the heels of the Los Angeles Times, the largest newspaper in California, also withholding its endorsement.


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is taking steps to enforce the state’s law protecting children from sterilizing drugs and mutilating surgeries.


A report from the United Nations declares that men should be barred from women’s sports “to ensure safety and fairness.”


A Christian homeschooling family seeking asylum in the United States has been granted a one-year stay. The Biden/Harris administration has been trying to kick this family out of the country while letting in millions of illegal aliens from all over the world.