End of Day Archives

Legal News, FBI & Planned Parenthood, Speaking Of Investigations. . .

Legal News

"Hacks" Hit Back, Abandoning The Dream, Signs Of The Culture War

"Hacks" Hit Back

Friday, November 10, 2017

Honoring Our Veterans

Saturday is Veterans Day. Communities across the country will honor our military veterans for their service and sacrifice.

Dueling Tax Plans, More Left-wing Nonsense, Follow Me

Dueling Tax Plans

Senate Republicans met today to hear the outlines of a tax reform plan being drafted by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.  The broad outlines generally mirror the House plan, but there are some significant differences.  For example:

What Happened?, A Warning For 2018

What Happened?
No, this isn't a review of Hillary Clinton's new book.  Here's my take on last night's off-year election results.

First, I'll dispense with New Jersey.  Democrat Phil Murphy won by 13 points, which surprised no one.  This was never really a competitive race. 

Media Bias, More Media Manipulation, Air Force Dropped The Ball, Comey Gets Caught

Media Bias

Don't Let The Left Silence You, Brazile's Bombshell, Follow Me

Don't Let The Left Silence You

Trumponomics Is Working, Worshipping Death, Another Clinton Scandal

Trumponomics Is Working

Tax Cuts & Jobs, What Binds Us?, Houston, We Have A Winner!, Balfour At

Tax Cuts & Jobs

House Republicans unveiled their tax reform plan today, known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  (Or as Trump refers to it, the Cut, Cut, Cut Act.)  While it is not as bold as many conservatives might prefer, on balance it appears to be a good compromise that should spur economic growth. 
Unfortunately, the failure of some Senate Republicans to repeal Obamacare greatly affected what could be done in terms of tax reform.  With that in mind, here are some key details:

ISIS Wins The Lottery, The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again, Russia News

ISIS Wins The Lottery
