End of Day Archives

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Tumult In Tehran
The Islamic Republic of Iran has been rocked the past week by protests across the country.  It is hard to get solid information on exactly what is taking place there.  Demonstrations have erupted in at least 40 cities.  As many as 20 have been killed and 450 have been arrested. 

What is happening on the streets of Iran looks a lot like what took place in 2009 during the ill-fated "Green Revolution."  But there is a big difference today.  Back then, the Obama Administration did not want to alienate the regime.  So it did nothing.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Stand With Me

Click here now to DOUBLE your support for American Values.

As I mentioned in this morning's message, we still have a long way to go to meet our $100,000 matching goal.

It is impossible to overstate the importance of year-end fundraising to our budget.  Please help keep me in this fight.

Stand With Me, Speaking Of Media Bias, Good News

Stand With Me

Stand With Me, FBI Admits The Obvious, Trump's Triumphs

Stand With Me

Big Changes At The Bureau, Do We Know It’s Christmas?

Big Changes At The Bureau

Putting Christ In Christmas

Putting Christ In Christmas

BOOM, The Real Scandal, Follow Me


Trump & Congress Deliver, Good News On Life, Something Extraordinary

Trump & Congress Deliver

Personal Note, Tax Cuts Are Coming, Putting America First

Personal Note 

History In The Making, Obama Colluded With Iran, Chick-fil-A Saves The Day, A Hero Remembered

History In The Making

History will be made this week as congressional Republicans stand on the verge of enacting historic tax reform.  This has not been done since the Reagan era.  The Hill reports, "GOP On Precipice Of Major End-Of-Year Tax Victory."
