End Of Day - 3-13-25 - Trump Was Right, Cooking The Books, The Debt Danger

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Day 53


It’s Day 53 of President Trump’s second term. No one has lost their Social Security, Medicare, or veterans’ benefits in spite of constant media and leftist lies.




Trump Was Right


Remember the “bipartisan” Lankford/Murphy compromise immigration bill that died last year after Donald Trump publicly opposed it? Thank God it failed!


When it was announced, the immediate reaction of many pundits, including some at FOX News, was, “This is a great compromise!” Then, there was shock and frustration when Trump signaled he was against it.


We were also reminded that Senator James Lankford (R-OK) is a Christian, as if we should blindly trust whatever he and the Democrats agreed to because he shared our faith. I’m glad the senator will be in heaven, but his compromise immigration bill was a disaster.


It reminded me of what happened when George W. Bush tried to put Harriet Miers on the Supreme Court. She wasn’t really a conservative. Thankfully, brave conservative leaders, including me, were willing to stand up to Karl Rove and the Bush White House, and history has vindicated us. After Miers was forced to withdrew, Samuel Alito was nominated – a fantastic conservative jurist!


Back to the ill-conceived immigration compromise. President Trump reminded us in his State of the Union address that we were told border couldn’t be controlled unless there was a new law. “But it turned out that all we really needed,” Trump said, “was a new president.”


And he was absolutely right. In less than two months, President Trump cut illegal immigration into the country by more than 90%!


We know Joe Biden wasn’t really in charge of anything. But for whatever reason, some Republicans were willing to trust the radicals running the Biden White House to enforce a new immigration law. They never would have done so. (See next item.)




Cooking The Books


I had an opportunity to spend time with several cabinet members at the White House last night. The Trump team is very excited about their efforts to drain the Swamp and clean up the mess in Washington, D.C.


A big part of that is cleaning up the mess Joe Biden left at the southern border. The Trump administration is doing an amazing job! But they are also discovering just how much fraud and corruption there was in the Biden years.


Last year, Democrats knew illegal immigration was hurting them in the presidential campaign. So, Joe Biden pretended to get tough on the border. We were told that his administration was arresting a lot of illegal aliens. Most reasonable people would assume that “arrest” means the aliens were put in jail and deported.


That was just another Biden lie.


An internal audit conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has revealed that the Biden administration was “cooking the books” on its border enforcement efforts.


It turns out that a majority of last year’s illegal alien “arrests” were actually “pass-through arrests.” That means the detained alien was processed, “passed through” ICE custody, and then released into the country. It was fake enforcement of our immigration laws.


They were not deported. They were bussed into your community. They turned up at your hospital. Their kids showed up at your local school.


The Biden/Harris regime forced cities and states all over the country to spend billions of dollars taking care of illegal aliens instead of American citizens.


Thankfully, we have a real president now who is serious about securing our borders and putting the American people first.




Real Enforcement


The Trump administration recently conducted a major immigration enforcement effort in Texas. More than 540 criminal illegal aliens were captured. Among those arrested were:


  • 140 criminal aliens charged or convicted of violent offenses, including homicide, aggravated assault, or domestic violence.
  • 34 criminal aliens charged or convicted of sex offenses or child sex offenses, including rape or possession of child pornography.
  • 38 criminal aliens convicted of illegal firearms offenses, including aggravated assault with a firearm.
  • 52 criminal aliens charged or convicted of drug offenses.
  • 51 criminal aliens charged or convicted of property crimes.
  • 93 criminal aliens charged or convicted of drunk driving.


A significant number of these arrests took place at Colony Ridge, a community near Houston that has long been suspected of catering to illegal aliens.


Open border leftists allowed these criminals to invade our country in the name of compassion. President Trump is kicking them out and making our streets safer. That is real compassion!




The Debt Danger


America’s $36 trillion national debt is becoming a serious danger to our nation. A trillion of anything is so much that many people struggle to comprehend it.


A million dollars is a lot of money. Well, imagine there was a million-dollar bill, and you had a million of those million-dollar bills. That would equal one trillion dollars. If one of those million-dollar bills fell out of your pocket, you wouldn’t notice. You’d still have 999,999 of them.


America ran a deficit even greater than that ($1.15 trillion) in the first five months of this fiscal year. No nation, not even the United States of America, can run trillion-dollar deficits year after year after year.


Ray Dalio, founder of one of the most successful hedge funds, is warning that a day of debt reckoning may be closer than anyone realizes. At a recent conference, he said:


“…we have a very severe supply-demand problem. . . [The U.S. has] to sell a quantity of debt that the world is not going to want to buy. That is a set of circumstances that is imminent. . . You are going to see shocking developments in terms of how that’s going to be dealt with, things that may not have happened in our lifetime.”


The “severe supply-demand problem” Dalio is referring to is that we have to sell Treasury bills and bonds in order to finance our debt. That means there must be buyers for an ever-increasing amount of American debt. Finding enough buyers will get harder and harder as the debt grows.


It only takes one time when we can’t find them for things to get really bad.


Currently, investors are getting about 4.5% on Treasury bonds. But investors may look at a nation $40 trillion in debt and say, “You’re a real risk. I wonder if you’ll even be around in 30 years to pay back this bond. If I’m going to take that risk, I want eight or nine percent interest.”


That would cause mortgage rates, credit card rates, and every other interest rate to spike.


That’s why, for the first time in history, the interest we’re paying on the national debt is more than our national defense budget.


President Trump and Elon Musk understand this, which is why they are so serious about cutting the size and scope of government.




Ready For The Schumer Shutdown?


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and other Senate Democrats are screaming that Trump and Musk are closing various programs in different government agencies. Meanwhile, Schumer and his gang are getting ready to shut the entire government down.


For 50 days, they have been telling us that Musk’s brutal cuts will deny people needed services. Now, they’re claiming the savings really don’t amount to much. Well, which is it?


Meanwhile, the latest jobs report found no big jump in unemployment claims, and new inflation data released today came in lower than predicted.


Democrats are saying, “If there is a shutdown, Republicans are to blame because they control the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.” That’s a lie.


Republicans only “control” the Senate when legislation comes up for a final vote, which only requires 51 votes, and there are 53 Republicans in the Senate. But the final vote only happens if you can successfully end debate. To end debate, you need 60 votes.


The government funding bill will only pass if at least seven Senate Democrats vote to end debate, and Schumer is refusing to cooperate.


So, if the government shuts down Friday night, it’s on Schumer’s shoulders.






Tonight, Jews all over the world will celebrate Purim. It is the story of Queen Esther, who broke protocol and saved the Jewish people in Persia from a plot to annihilate them.


Just as it did so many centuries ago, Israel is once again facing an existential threat from modern-day Persia. Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, routinely promises a second Holocaust and the annihilation of Israel.


His regime is working feverishly to develop ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons while funding terrorist proxies, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad.


So long as God gives me breath, I promise to fight the ancient evil of antisemitism and to always stand with Israel and its people, the apple of God’s eye.


To all of our Jewish friends and supporters, Chag Purim Sameach!