British Muslims Not Assimilating, Political Update

Monday, April 11, 2016

British Muslims Not Assimilating

Whenever conservatives raise concerns about increasing Muslim immigration, many on the left respond by suggesting that the Muslims coming to America are different than the ones in Europe. I don't know why that would be true, but let's pray it is. A new study of British Muslims should set off alarm bells.

A British media outlet recently conducted a survey of Muslims in Great Britain and found that significant percentages hold positions that are contradictory to Western values. For example:

  • 20% refuse to enter a non-Muslim home.
  • 31% support polygamy.
  • 52% of Muslims would make homosexuality illegal.
  • 23% support Sharia law over laws passed by the British parliament.
  • 8% of British Muslims sympathized with suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism.

    Trevor Phillips, who spent nine years as chairman of Britain's Equalities and Human Rights Commission, authored a report in 1997 that is widely credited with making the term "Islamophobia" commonplace in Great Britain. He's now having second thoughts about the left's concept of multiculturalism and especially about Muslim immigration and assimilation.

    "Twenty years ago. . . I published the report titled 'Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All,'" Phillips wrote. "We thought that the real risk of the arrival of new communities was [British] discrimination against Muslims. . . But we got almost everything else wrong."

    Phillips warns that the British left is delusional in thinking that Muslims will "grow out" of their radicalism. He recommends that the country limit sharia courts, ensure Saudi-funded mosques are not promoting bigotry and that local politicians and government officials be willing to enforce British laws.

    None of those suggestions seem particularly radical. But the British left, just like the American left, despises Judeo-Christian civilization and has ruthlessly undermined the values that once united Great Britain and made it a strong nation. For all the left's talk about diversity being a strength, the left's multicultural agenda appears to make nations weak and unable to confront the dangers of radical Islam.

    Political Update

    There were a number of significant developments in the 2016 campaign in the past few days. Here are some highlights:

  • Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders extended his winning streak over the weekend. He took 56% of the vote in Saturday's Wyoming caucuses. But it didn't do him much good. It appears Sanders will at best split Wyoming's delegates with Hillary Clinton.
  • Senator Ted Cruz continues to rack up impressive wins in the GOP's delegate allocation contests. Cruz won all of the delegates up for grabs at Colorado's GOP convention this weekend. The Trump campaign is crying foul, and the situation in Colorado is somewhat unusual. That said, the state party announced last summer what its rules would be.
  • Cruz picked up more delegates in Iowa, South Carolina and Virginia.
  • Meanwhile, in Michigan, Trump and Kasich supporters joined forces to defeat the Cruz machine in selecting delegates to represent the state on the powerful Rules Committee. It was a surprising development given that most analysts believed that the Trump and Cruz campaigns would be aligned against Kasich when it came to the Rules Committee.
  • What about a Cruz/Fiorina ticket? During an interview this weekend, former candidate Carly Fiorina left the door open to serving as Senator Cruz's vice presidential running mate.
  • Two new Fox News polls of New York and Pennsylvania have good news for the party front runners. In New York, the race currently stands at: Trump 54%, Kasich 22% and Cruz 15%. Among Democrats, Clinton leads Sanders 53% to 37%.

    Among Pennsylvania Republicans, it's Trump 48%, Kasich 22%, Cruz 20%. Pennsylvania Democrats prefer Clinton over Sanders by a margin of 49% to 38%.