The Justice Department inspector general's report on fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has been released. The report cites "multiple occasions" in which McCabe "lacked candor, including under oath."
Of course, Attorney General Sessions fired McCabe a few weeks ago, but that is the bare minimum that should happen to him. Last time I checked, perjury was still a crime. Let's hope criminal charges are filed soon.
Left-wing Exhibitionism
As I was reviewing some of the headlines over the past 24 hours, I was struck by the bizarre things so-called "progressive" politicians as well as our cultural and media elites are saying -- even when the cameras are rolling. The left just can't stop exposing itself!
Let's start with James Comey.
A Higher Loyalty? Hardly
Comey's book, entitled "A Higher Loyalty," will be released next week, but excerpts are leaking out now. Imagine that -- Comey is still leaking!
I know the director of the FBI is supposed to consult the Constitution. Of course, he also has plenty of lawyers giving him guidance. But in all my years in Washington, I missed the fact that the director was supposed to consult with Gallup.
According to the New York Times' review of his book:
"Mr. Comey acknowledges that he thought Mrs. Clinton would win the presidency and said it is 'entirely possible' that he decided to reveal that the email investigation had started up again 11 days before the election because he was primarily concerned that if he concealed the renewed investigation, it would make her an 'illegitimate president.'"
So, just like Trump-hating FBI agents Strzok and Page, Comey admits the polls affected his handling of the investigation because he didn't want to cripple the incoming Clinton Administration. Well, it wasn't the president he wanted, but he certainly succeeded in damaging the incoming administration.
Comey clearly wanted Clinton to win. He writes that he is "sorry" Hillary is mad at him. It seems his "higher loyalty" was to the polls and to the professional political class.
There is also a bizarre allegation against former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Comey claims he felt obligated to be the public face of the Clinton investigation because Lynch may have been compromised by a "development still unknown to the American public to this day." He adds that the still classified details would have "cast serious doubt on the attorney general's independence in connection with the Clinton investigation."
Comey also describes a scene in the Oval Office with President Obama after the election. When Obama reaffirmed his faith in Comey, the director tearily replied, "Boy, were those words I needed to hear." He then told Obama, "I dread the next four years."
If that really was Comey's outlook, the honorable thing to do would have been to resign.
What emerges from these excerpts is not the picture of a man dedicated to the rule of law, but that of a bureaucrat dedicated to the "Deep State" and to politics as usual in Washington.
By the way, voters are rapidly losing confidence in Robert Mueller's impartiality too.
Media Madness
If you need a marker of the left's derangement, look no further than Joy Behar. On yesterday's airing of ABC's "The View," Behar declared, "We've gotten to the point in this world now where we have to rely on the sanity of Kim Jong Un and Putin over the president of the United States."
When Megan McCain rejected Behar's "moral relativism," Behar interrupted, saying, "You think that Kim Jong Un is less moral than Trump?"
McCain shot back reminding Behar that America wasn't gassing children and that Putin and Kim are complicit in the Assad regime's atrocities, not to mention Kim's own atrocities.
It is shocking every time you hear Behar and other leftists utter something so ignorant. But, sadly, as I have suggested before, there are many on the left who prefer foreign dictators over Donald Trump.
Unfortunately, it seems there is something in the water over at ABC. In a series of tweets yesterday, Matthew Dowd, the network's political analyst, suggested that President Trump and his supporters were doing "More damage than ISIS has ever done to America."
Dowd should be fired for comparing conservatives to terrorists and murderers.
Senate Circus
CIA Director Mike Pompeo was raked over the coals yesterday during his Senate confirmation hearing to be secretary of state. Many of the questions Democrats asked him were absolutely absurd. But Sen. Corey Booker (D-NJ) really turned the hearings into a circus.
If you were going to ask questions of the next secretary of State, you might want to know his views on the Iranian nuclear deal or Russia or the situation in the Middle East. Perhaps his thoughts on trade or how to contend with China.
Unbelievably, Sen. Booker was more interested in Pompeo's views on same-sex marriage and whether Muslims were fully cooperating with law enforcement in anti-terrorism investigations.
If Booker doesn't believe we have a problem with radical Islam in this country, I suggest he check out some of the mosques in New Jersey. I can provide him a list of other radical imams who have been preaching hatred in mosques across the country.
Booker didn't realize it, but there was an obvious contradiction in his questioning. Plenty of people of every faith oppose men "marrying" other men. The left thinks it is attacking conservative Christians, but they are also attacking many conservative Jews and Muslims.
My friends, I have repeatedly warned that it will not be enough for the left to merely win the policy debates. It is not enough that homosexuals can now legally marry. The left is forcing Christian business owners to participate in same-sex marriages.
It wants to make orthodox Christian beliefs the equivalent of the KKK. If Booker had his way, Christians who believe in the biblical definition of marriage would be barred from government service.
While we're on the subject of radical Islam, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) condemned Israel earlier this week. Referring to the Hamas-led riots along the Gaza/Israeli border, Warren said:
"I am deeply concerned about the deaths and injuries in Gaza. As additional protests are planned for the coming days, the Israel Defense Forces should exercise restraint and respect the rights of Palestinians to peacefully protest."
The left is going off the rails when it comes to Israel. These are not "peaceful protests." Bernie Sanders defended Hamas' rioting during Passover, and now Warren is siding with Hamas too. Has any leading progressive politician condemned Hamas and demanded that the Palestinians show restraint?
If progressive politicians cannot distinguish between peaceful protests and what is happening at the Gaza border, it is hard to take them seriously on any other issue.
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