This We'll Defend
I know the Super Bowl is over. But one of the highlights of the big game every year is the commercials. Companies spend millions of dollars for 30 seconds of airtime. Those commercials had better be good and they usually are.
Needless to say, the high cost prohibits a lot of great ads from running, and recently I happened to run across just such an ad. It is awesome! And I truly regret that this ad didn't air during the Super Bowl. America needed to see it, especially given the NFL's pathetic handling of the national anthem protests.
The ad was produced by Grunt Style, a military themed clothing company. It features a Hispanic police officer, who as a young boy watched the 9/11 attacks on TV. He grew up and served in the military. Now he's serving on the Thin Blue Line, staring down Antifa mobs. The ad closes with the Army motto, "This We'll Defend."
It is one of the best ads I have ever seen. Judging by the 13 million online views, I'd say a lot of Americans feel the same way. Watch it here. Please share it with your friends and family members.
Summit Ministries
Many conservatives are worried about their Millennial-aged children and grandchildren. They should be. Surveys show a strong majority of them identify as "liberal." On values issues, they "out-liberal" their Sixties-influenced parents. Other research finds that they are eight times more likely to accept Marxist or Postmodern views than older generations.
In short, far too many of America's youth are rejecting traditional American values.
That's why I encourage you to send your 16 to 25 year-old children and grandchildren to Summit Ministries this summer. My own daughter attended Summit's life-changing program as a teenager. It inspired confidence in her faith and provided a clear sense of direction.
This summer, Summit will be holding student conferences in California, Colorado, Pennsylvania and Tennessee. World-class Christian philosophers, economists and ethicists will help students think critically about the issues of the day from a biblical, values-based perspective.
Visit to learn more about their critical training programs. And don't delay in registering. Seats sell out quickly, and early bird discounts end March 31st. Tuition assistance is also available.
Happy Birthday, Ruth!
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg celebrated her 85th birthday yesterday. This August she will celebrate her 25th anniversary of service on the Supreme Court and disservice to the plain meaning of the Constitution. I wish Justice Ginsburg a long and happy life -- in retirement.
On July 23rd, Justice Anthony Kennedy will celebrate his 82nd birthday. A few weeks later on August 15th, Justice Stephen Breyer will turn 80.
With one or two more Supreme Court appointments, President Trump could fundamentally transform the court and our country.
Expanding Our Media Presence
We need your help growing our social media audience. Please follow me on Twitter. Encourage your friends and family members to follow me too. Get my thoughts on the day's headlines before you get the "End of Day."
I am also pleased to announce that we have launched a series of daily radio commentaries on current events and cultural news called "The End of Day Report."
My commentaries can be heard from 6:00 to 6:02 pm (CT) on the Bott Radio Network, which has stations from California to Tennessee. Click here for a list of station locations. You can also listen live online at